Left to right: Josh, Herb, Holly, Brady, Eric.

Tall skinny boy up to no good... Stranger Kings continue their journey of Cali-gaze rock and post-punk bass with their new record BLUE. Echoes of the heart of Samantha Baker from Sixteen Candles and John Bender's angst from Breakfast Club are a compass for the BLUE record. North, South, East ,and West are naive metrics to navigate innocence and the heart; it's a heavy feeling, it's a funny feeling... As is Stranger Kings BLUE.

Finding a solution in dissolution, Stranger Kings was formed by guitarist Eric Campuzano and bassist Herb Grimaud after The Lassie Foundation breathed its last with the departure of Jeff Schroeder for the Smashing Pumpkins. Early demos merged their Cali-gaze dream guitars and 80’s Brit post-punk melodic bass lines successfully enough to attract friends and contributors. Local solo artist Holly Nelson gave it a voice, and Brady Esquivel (Set To Sea) brought the drums to life.

Stranger Kings BLUE continues to pick their poison with their musical influences... A KROQ afternoon from '83-'92 with Rodney on the ROQ thrown in for good taste... A wrecking ball with a welcome banner…